


A Brazilian EFL teacher, explorer of the potential of technology integration into language learning, I started to dig into the possibilities of tech-applications some years ago and have been going on new cyber-journeys with my students ever since. I am a teacher trainer and social media content manager at a Binational Center in Brasilia, Casa Thomas Jefferson. I am a blogging fan (or addict!) and enthusiastic Webhead.
New and emergent technologies keep me going further and perceiving the world in different ways, with different colors, shapes, voices. They give me support to take my students along. They teach me that there’s no limit for connectivity. English, then, is the means to decode the messages and that’s what I try to show to my learners.


Another spectrum of my interest is directed to viral professional development and teacher training. Education can only be transformational if the ones in the front end are willing to take the lead, so educators need to acquire the emerging 21st century literacies to be prepared to face the challenges of inspiring education. More and more I try to share what I’ve been learning through presentations, online sessions and blogging.


I am passionate about learning and sharing. That’s why I became a teacher. A call that I couldn’t resist  after venturing professionally as a government employee.  I love exploring new pedagogical possibilities, and with the digital tools we have today, we can always go beyond, in search for new connections, conversations and learning. I feel privileged to always be around people who inspire me, ignite my creative juices and let me share what I learn with my network. I believe that being an educator is to be in constant motion towards learning. And that’s what feeds my spirit and keeps it young.

In my spare time, I love being with friends, preferably, with an apron preparing some culinary alchemy. Reading and photography are also part of what gives me joy, but not more than my dear family, formed by a male team who make me laugh and live a whole-hearted life!




Malabarista, curiosa, eterna aprendiz, geek, educadora.
Sou apaixonada por aprender e retribuir. Por isso, me tornei professora. Uma vocação que descobri depois de me aventurar profissionalmente por terras governamentais. Adoro explorar novas possibilidade pedagógicas e, com as ferramentas tecnológicas das quais dispomos hoje em dia, podemos ir sempre além, em busca de novas conexões, diálogos e aprendizado. Me sinto privilegiada em trabalhar em uma Binacional em Brasília, a escola de inglês Casa Thomas Jefferson, onde estou sempre perto de pessoas que me inspiram, me levam para frente e me deixam compartilhar. Acredito que ser educadora é estar em constante movimento para o aprendizado para manter-me viva e com espírito jovem.


Nas horas vagas, adoro estar entre amigos, de preferência, de avental preparando alguma alquimia culinária. Leitura e fotografia também me fazem feliz, só não mais do que a minha família querida, formada de uma legião masculina.