Tag: edtech

  • EdTech: Cross é Bacana

    EdTech: Cross é Bacana

    Escuto rumores uns mais explícitos, outros mais velados. Nas entrelinhas. Nas conversas de corredor. Alguém que solta sem querer. Enfim, chega aos meus ouvidos que agora sou Google, só falo de Google. É inegável que o Google Teacher Academy em São Paulo em 2014 foi um divisor de águas na minha vida profissional, nas minhas perspectivas,…

  • IATEFL 2015 in Tweets

    IATEFL 2015 in Tweets

    When you get home from a conference like IATEFL, it is hard to find the time or recover full-spirit to write posts that truly reflect what we’ve experienced and the highlights of the ELT world. This time, I took the risk to simply tweet what I found relevant. From the tweets, I can now visualize…

  • Ed Tech Tip of the Week – Interactive Lessons with Office Mix

    Ed Tech Tip of the Week – Interactive Lessons with Office Mix

    I have a confession. I don’t have much of a patience to watch a long tutorial video. In fact, videos for me are only compelling when they are telling stories, engaging me, teaching me something super relevant. In general, tutorials are informative, but I find most of them boring. However, I’ve just watched a 30-minute video…

  • Weekly Treasure: Coding Resources

    Lately, I’ve been following with interest the discussions on coding and how it can help our learners to develop new competencies, critical thinking, collaboration, and, mainly, a culture of trial and error in which failure is seen as a step towards success. I really wish my kids’ school had this vision…However, it doesn’t seem that…

  • Hot Topics in Ed Tech

    I had the pleasure to be in Goiânia for a talk sponsored by Richmond to talk to local teachers about the trends in Ed Tech. It was a very pleasant morning with a group of motivated and interested educators. Here’s the presentation: Ed Tech Hot Topics in ELT from Carla Arena As I pointed out…

  • Technology Giving Wide Wings to Creativity

    As long as I keep seeing transformative and exciting examples of how technology can help the next generation of professionals acquire new skills in different areas, I’ll advocate its use.   That’s exactly what happened with me some days ago. I was at the Apple Store with my kids, looking for the present my husband…

  • On the Ed Tech Radar – A Collection of Digital Posters Platforms for Educators

    I have been part of an exciting teacher training program in the state of Rio and this week I´m exploring with teachers the possibilities of Digital Posters in the classroom. I´ve created this Padlet with some digital posters platforms that let teachers and students create wonderful digital artifacts. I thought educators might profit from it:…

  • Taking Learning Into a Visual Experience Through Infographics

    Evolving, progressing, developing. Not always an easy task, mainly for very busy English teachers who have heavy schedules, different groups with varied age range and levels of proficiency. But still, they are up to the challenge of after a long day of work to come to a Teacher Development Course to keep improving to become…

  • mLearning Resources

    It is a great pleasure to present for the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG about mlearning and ways to transform our classrooms. mLearning Resources from Carla Arena Here are some spaces that you might want to check if you are interested in mlearning and its latest developments: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/08/29-ipad-resources-tutorials-and-guides.html 32 Interesting Ways to Use an IpodTouch in…

  • Ed Tech News Aggregator

    There are many ways to keep yourself updated to impact your classroom using technology.However, I’ve just come across this Ed Tech News aggregator worth checking, Spigot , produced by the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub . There are many interesting articles and research information to keep you on the loop of ed tech and to inspire you…

  • Random Thoughts on Ed Tech Mass Debate

    In reply to what Gavin Dudeney posted and the feedback he got, I’ll register here what I’ve written as a reminder of my own thoughts on the topic: Gavin, you mentioned in one of your replies “You’d like to think – wouldn’t you – that teachers ask themselves these questions on a daily basis –…