Tag: editteachingchallenge

  • Edit Teaching – Homework

    Oh, this is a very touchy aspect of our teaching… When have we innovated in homework assignments? We generally have the same language structure for homework instructions, “do pages x and z, ex. A, B and C for next class”. In our edit teaching mode, what if we did it differently for a change? Some…

  • Edit Teaching – Cards

    Today I observed a sample class and was just reminded about the many uses we can have for a deck of cards. How about using them to add some movement to your class? Just by handing out one single card to each student, you make an eye brow raise. Students are immediately hooked. What can you…

  • Edit Teaching – Word Harvesting

    Did you roll the dice? How about ending your class differently this time? Before it starts, post a lot of random words around the classroom. You can even ask your students to help you. Let curiosity mount! And make it a kinesthetic moment of your teaching hour. In the last 5/10 minutes of your class,…

  • Editing Teaching – Roll the Dice

    Who doesn´t like to roll the dice? Well, we keep the challenge of changing bits of our lesson plan to make our classrooms more engaging, fun, with powerful human touch added to them. In your next class, try this one! Give each group or pair of students a die. There are different ways to use…

  • Editing Teaching – Color

    Though I should be expecting the unexpected coming from students, two teachers have already posted their students’ reactions-recordings, and I’m totally in awe! Justine and her student recorded this: http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=ZoIUfHE Dani’s students recorded this:http://vocaroo.com/i/s0WQONEteBaQ Amazing stuff happening with not so much sweat on our part or big preparation, but with very powerful outcomes. Day 2 was about the BOX. Day 3…

  • Editing Teaching – Box

    First, we had the playlist idea. How about using a physical object today? Find a nice box to take to class. It can be a colorful one, a plain rustic one or even one that has an intriguing detail on its outside. You want to awaken your learners´ minds, spark curiosity, stimulate imagination.  Tell them…

  • From Inertia to Editing Teaching – A Challenge

    Many times we are trapped in our own routines, hectic lives and infinite tasks. It is hard sometimes even to breathe. Inertia takes over, and we see our personal and professional lives as if it were part of a film. I know there are many challenges around for teachers, and I could name a few…