IATEFL 2015 in Tweets

When you get home from a conference like IATEFL, it is hard to find the time or recover full-spirit to write posts that truly reflect what we've experienced and the highlights of the ELT world. This time, I took the risk to simply tweet what I found relevant. From the tweets, I can now visualize my main picks of #IATEFL2015.

The guys in ETLJam predict a bright future for teachers if we take action and start producing our own materials and taking the chance in entrepreneurship; Kieran Donaghy and Anna Whitcher inspired us to use videos, but more than that gave us an overview of what’s behind video production, ligthning, images, sound, colors…Their visualmanifesto is pure poetry http://visualmanifesto.com/

The video shorts session using Vine by Mike Harrison was brilliant: http://linkis.com/wordpress.com/TNUq8 . Mike has inspired me to create some vines and I’m already considering some fun activities with students.

Videotelling by Jamie Keddie gave us an overview of the use of digital storytelling in the era of youtube. http://videotelling.com/

What can I say about Paul Driver that would truly depict the mind-blowing things he thinks and does? His 3D cube idea with augmented reality for classroom activities is simply brilliant. I’ll soon post the video he kindly let me record so that you have an idea of what I’m talking about. Paul with his digitaldebris.info is always inspiring, showing how vision, pedagogy and Ed Tech can be truly explosive.

Nicky Hockly is also inspiring, but what I love about her talks is the fact that she is down to earth, she presents a mix of theory and doable, simple activities for the classroom. Always a pleasure to listen to her! Here’s the paper on mobile learning she shared and explored during her session: http://www.tirfonline.org/english-in-the-workforce/mobile-assisted-language-learning/designer-learning-the-teacher-as-designer-of-mobile-based-classroom-learning-experiences/ . Her selfie activity with students in which they were practicing verb tenses for routines and had to take selfies on specific times of the day and say what they were doing was just brilliant!

Andreia Zakime‘s session on Pinterest in the classroom was also an inspiration. Using social media goes beyond social, and help our learners realize the power of social media for learning.

Sessions on how to run productive meetings and drawing tips for teachers were a fantastic edtech break.

Check them out in my Storify with the highlights: https://storify.com/carlaarena/iatefl-2015-in-tweets


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