Tag: efacilitation

  • The Big Bear, Online Learning and Connections

    I’ve been following #etmooc with interest, but with the hectic first week in our Electronic Village Online about neuroscience in Education (#brainELT), I haven’t been much of a contributor, but an active listener. What I’ve been trying to explore with much interest and anticipation is how a MOOC develops, unfolds, how conversations start and persist,…

  • eLearning – Introducing Yourself

    I´ve taken many online courses, and it strikes me that it is always the same old tell-me-something-about-you kind of forum. There are so many interesting ways to get started with a group online that I couldn´t possibly list it here. There is video, voicethread, slideshare,a blog post, intriguing questions, among others. However, I want to…