Tag: emergence

  • From Submersion to Emergence in ELT

    Conferences are made of connections, gatherings, new acquaintances. The BrazTESOL International Conference in João Pessoa was no different, except that it was totally different for me. The premises of the Bilingual School Cidade Viva were amazing, with great infrastructure for an international event. The people working there had a special vibe, very solicitous always, and…

  • On Our Vulnerability and Strengths

    Today I don’t want to talk specifically about the classroom, our teaching practices or ideas for our academic world. I ‘m with this thought marinading over and over for the past days, and it all came to full circle this morning after watching and feeling deeply touched by researcher Brene Brown. The main point of…

  • Control X Emergence

    I was just listening to this wonderful online presentation by Nancy White Marching into the Future with Heads, Hearts and Hand Nancy, as always brilliant and inspiring, talked about the connective possibilities that the Net has enabled us, but the point that really caught my attention was when she talked about emergence x control. This…