Tag: engagement
Teaching a Dramatically Outstanding Class – Tension and Release
Yesterday I was talking to a very experienced teacher who I know suffers from the same syndrome I do and most of the teachers out there do. The how-can-I-reach-teens syndrome. We all develop strategies, sometimes war strategies, we think and re-think ways that we could better engage our teens. The roller coaster is always…
What Yo Yo Ma Has to Teach Educators
As I write these words, I’m listening to Yo Yo Ma, a well-known cellist, who never ceases to amaze me. First, I was totally taken by his music, empathy, charisma. I remember I used to teach using a book for advanced students who talked about Yo Yo Ma and his tribute to Sarajevo during the…
Comics in the Classroom
Creating comic strips in the classroom is one of the easiest ways to engage students immediately. They are glued to the comics creators because they are in charge of their creation, they have choice, and they can fully navigate through their imaginative realms. Every teacher should try to use comics in the classroom. There are…