Tag: lifelonglearning

  • Life is Organic, Not a Production Line

    I’m a huge fan of Sir Ken Robinson. I’ve watched his presentations in TED Talks – Bring on the Learning Revolution & Schools Kill Creativity – and RSA Animate about education, creativity, our educational systems and transformation. In this video, Ken Robinson talks about pursuing our passions and the unpredictability and non-linearity of our lives.…

  • NetworkChallenge

    Durff challenges us. “ Durff’s Blog: Network Challenge via kwout “ I’ve been doing exactly that for the past weeks. In fact, I’ve been discussing exactly that with a group of educators at http://webtools.ning.com/forum/topics/reading4reflection-stuck-in It’s just great that Durff asked, for I’ve been thinking ahead and looking for ways to simplify things, but in order…