Lesson Plan – World Cup Finals Video
Everybody seems to be talking about soccer at this time of the year, and, we, educators, are always trying to find the most effective way to incorporate current news in our lesson plans. The World Cup will keep current for some more weeks, so let’s not miss the chance to use precious resources out there…
Rewarding Networks
Yesterday was delightfully exciting. Never have I worked so hard and intensively in different projects for the school I work for and my volunteer work in the communities I’m part of . No complaints. All the effort has been paying off. First, I got to know that our proposal to present in the TESOL international…
Cybersurfing with Young Learners
I had the great opportunity to present for the IATEFL Young Learners SIG invited by Dennis Newson, who moderates the list. What a pleasure to explore one area that is dear to me, but I´m not an expert at it. The presentation reminded me once again that there is no need to be an expert.…