My dear friends Seth Dickens and Cris Costa tagged me to answer the 7 things you don’t know about me meme. Well, as we start the images4education session, I decided to answer this meme in a more visual way.

So, here it goes!

Just click on this set in Flickr and in each photo there to find out the 7 things you don’t know about me.

7 Things Meme - a set on Flickr

I’d like to know more about some Brazilian friends I’ve been interacting in the wonderful group Edublogosfera, Lilian Starobinas, Suzana Gutierrez, Sérgio Lima, Bee Dieu


3 responses to “7 Things Meme”

  1. Wow, what a great, creative answer Carla… thanks for sharing and thanks for accepting the challenge 😀

    I’ve left “proper” comments on your photos, but I think here.. in this most public of places.. I have to ask… why sugar and 3? drops of sweetener. Isn’t that just a bit counter-productive?


    Seth 🙂

  2. Hey, Seth! Thanks for your reply in the Flickr photos. I’ll reply to you there! About the sweetener, sugar issue…I just don’t like coffee with plain sweetener. It totally changes the taste of the coffee. And I realized that with a bit of sugar, I can get the taste I want. You know, simple madness!

  3. Thanks, Alice. I thought it was really fun to do it in a more visual way.

    The move went well, but I’m still “camping” at my in-laws, remodeling my apartment and waiting for my stuff to get here in Brasilia. Last week I started working and the kids got back to school. I guess in one month things will get back to normal.

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