Design Series – eLearning Design

When we work in the eLearning area, we have the regular instructional design issues, plus some others related to technology and interaction in an arena in which we rely on hypertext in its many forms and shapes and the human interactions for a successful learning program. is one place I go for inspiration and the latest elearning trends. Just today I was browsing the site and came across this 24tips series that is a wonderful resources for anybody interested in the area:

24tips –

Don’t miss it! You will certainly find inspiration and very practical tips for your elearning session.


2 responses to “Design Series – eLearning Design”

  1. Well i like that post. This post is really useful for all. Thanks for me.
    College Papers

  2. Well i like that post. This post is really useful for all. Thanks for me.
    College Papers

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