Do Something for Teens

Do Something is a non-profit organization in the intersection of teens and social change, activism.

There are tons of ideas on their site to help young people take action. I especially liked one about what makes you mad and the call for changing things around. 

As I have a tight schedule, I was considering adapting the idea to something simpler:

>> Groups decide what make them really mad
>> They make a fact sheet with 8 facts about their issue, starting with, “Did you know that…?”
>> They create a motto about the situation
>> Students then write a manifesto about their topic to raise awareness and finishes the manifesto with the life motto they’ve created.
>> Taking a step further, we could vote for the best group motto and then create posters and even print T-shirts with the motto on it.

Simple and sweet. I guess this would be a great opportunity to talk about community issues, have students as agents of awareness & change, all that being done in English. What do teachers think?


3 responses to “Do Something for Teens”

  1. What a fun idea! I can’t imagine a student that wouldn’t enjoy this 🙂

    1. Glad you liked it, Lisa!

  2. Thanks, Aninha. I loved it.

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