Edublog Awards – Best Teacher Blog?!

Originally uploaded by carlaarena

This is just so awkward. I’ve been checking the edublog awards because I think there are many gems worth checking. some blogs I am already subscribed to, others are new. I don’t think an award is always fair, for it excludes tons and tons of wonderful blogs out there who are making a difference to a group of people.

What a shock to realize just today that I was nominated for Best teacher blog. This is totally insane as I feel so small when I read so many great ideas and posts. On the other hand, it means that there’s somebody listening to me and I might touch an educational-driven soul in very unpredictable ways with my ideas and thoughts .

I guess this is just a time to thank for the wonderful group of educators I interact with. Let’s look ahead, keep looking forward and blogging away.

A BIG thank you for whoever thought I, along with my ideas and resources, was worth to be there. Crazy, crazy…

The Journey

The funny thing? I just decided to make a move to this Collablogatorium space in an attempt to make life more simple. However, it doesn’t matter where you are, does it? It matters what you stand for, your self-expression, meaningful conversations. Tha’s what edublogging is made of, plus a big dose of enthusiasm and optimism.


9 responses to “Edublog Awards – Best Teacher Blog?!”

  1. Carla, you said:”…I think there are many gems worth checking.”; hey, you are one of them, and of course there are many (not somebody)people, listening and learning:)Cheers!

    Love & PEACE 🙂

  2. Congratulations! It is so not insane. We’re listening 🙂

  3. @Buth @Sylvia As my son says, this “wicked cool”! Thanks for your warm words, girls. They made my day.

  4. Carla, I believe Sylvia’s right; this is “so not insane.” When you made your move to the Collablogatorium for simplicity’s sake, we knew the Journey wasn’t over. The Best Teacher Blog nomination is there for a reason; it simply marks a turning point along the way. Blog on!

  5. Thanks, Paul. You’re right. The moving is a turning point and I feel now as a step forward, a reflection space, conversational, dialogic, in which I report and share what I’ve been learning and would love to hear from educators what they are up to. The Journey has just begun!

    What are you up to? Have you been blogging?

  6. Carla, it was meant to be, you are a leader for many! Congratulations sweet one.

  7. Dear Cheryl,

    You are the one who’s an inspiration. Well, I guess all Webheads are, aren’t they?! The true meaning of all this to me is to look back and have this sense of fulfillment as I’ve done exactly what I had planned when I moved to the US, study, network, learn, share, connect. Blogging is one of the ways. Twitter is another, and many other micro forms we use to add value to the ones around us and gain from the interactions. I’m learning a lot from you!

  8. Carla,
    I guess folks at Edublogosfera doesn’t know about this nomination! This is great!
    Warm regards!

  9. Dear Lilian,


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