ISTE – An Ed Tech Conference worth Following

For many educators in the world, it is vacation, summer time. For others, like in Brazil, it is winter break. In any case, a very opportune time of the year to keep our learning path running.

ISTE is one of those unmissable opportunities. Of course, the best way to attend it is by being there. However, if you don’t have the chance to do it, you can still follow the conversations, learn a new concept, check the slideshows, and some unconferences taking place in Philadelphia until next Wednesday, June 29th.

Here are some of the tips shared by Chris Atkinson

Search and follow the Twitter hashtag #iste11
Link into the

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ISTE Conference Ning
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I just followed ISTE Keynote with Dr. Medina, using . Add the search (left) of the keyword you want and check the streaming. From there, you can retweet, follow the people who are tweeting, DM them, reply. Nice tool to keep track of a live event or simply a Twitter conversation.

Here’s a wonderful resources page created by Diana Dell


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