No Wish List for 2012

Rusty 2012

How about starting the Year of 2012 with not so much weigh, to-do lists and wish lists?
How about taking a look back and just writing down all the accomplishments of 2011 to come to the conclusion that, YES, we´ve done much, accomplished tons, and still have a lot to do.

No wish list, but light-living, guilt-free 2012 with care and passion
with bonds and intensity
trust in others and self-confidence

To keep moving ahead
Doing our best
With a look back only to realize that
the future can be bright and light
It all depends on us
and our positive vibes

Oferendas a Iemanjá

In the year of  Iemenjá, the mother of all living things and the owner of the waters,
let us live with the flow
re-energized by calmer waters
let us float and leave regret and negativeness behind
keeping 2012 as a year to remember and cherish,
the one that we accomplished with no promises or lists,
but with at least one action that made a difference.

How about setting yourself for a great start in 2012 with all the positive sparkles one can think of?
Not with a big list, but with a lookout for doing more good, acting more upon your life
and living the way you feel it is right, not how people think you should be or do
2012, the year of flow and taking hold of your own self emanating vibrancy and passion


4 responses to “No Wish List for 2012”

  1. Wow, Carla – just beautiful, poetic – a must read. God bless you and keep inspiring you throughout the New Year and the years to come.

    1. Dear Gilmar,
      Trying to catch up after the holidays. You are always so kind. Have a wonderful 2012.

  2. I totally agree. Seems like New Year’s Resolutions are broken within the first couple weeks of the year anyway.

    1. True, Sharon. So, by taking a different approach we might be more successful in what we plan ahead.

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