Tag: digitalstorytelling

  • Storytelling – Five Card Story

    This week, in our Digitools EVO session, we’re exploring writing. To be more specific, creative writing. Jane Petring carefully prepared wonderful tasks for that. She used many interesting writing platforms that we had collected. They are all fantastic ones, but I’d like to highlight one in special created by Alan Levine, the Five Card story.…

  • 365 Photos – Telling a Story

    Photos are snapshots of a flash of a moment that will never happen again. They freezes time, space, people. They tell a story. They keep memories alive. Since 2009 I’ve been part of this wonderful group of passion-driven people, educators, amateurs who take their time every day to share a snapshot, that frozen moment of…

  • The Power of Digital Storytelling

    We are all a collection of stories. Stories that come from our ancestors, the ones that we built throughout our lives, those who surround us. Storytelling is ancient, yet totally contemporary. Our lives make sense because of our own stories and the weaving of our stories with the ones who are part of them. It…

  • Get Inspired – Exploring Writing in the Classroom

    Today, fewer words, more action. As my head starts spinning around our next Electronic Village Online Session 2011, free online sessions for educators all over the globe, I thought it would be a great idea to start sharing great resources available in what we want to explore in January – Digital Storytelling. So, here’s my…