Tag: learning

  • Online

    This topic is certainly dear to me. Just making a retrospective of my own blogging, I can see how many times the words connections, interconnected, relationship, connectivity appear in my writing, not to mention my talk. I can see how connectivity is part of my life in every sense of the word. In the past,…

  • Cool Tool of the Week – My Studiyo – Creating Online Activities

    Just tested My Studyio because a tweet from @GrahamStanley and @NikPeachey. What a great surprise as tomorrow I´ll be presenting about cool tools for the classroom for a group of Brazilian educators. I liked My Studyio because it´s user-friendly and very easy to register. You can have multiple choice questions with an attractive layout adding…

  • The Google Wave

    I’m here watching Google’s Wave demo to be released at the end of the year. WOW. As an educator, I couldn’t help but see the applications it could have in our classrooms. It’s just like having a single platform to perform many many digital tasks we do in different online spaces. Of course we’ll have…

  • Cybersurfing with Young Learners

    I had the great opportunity to present for the IATEFL Young Learners SIG invited by Dennis Newson, who moderates the list. What a pleasure to explore one area that is dear to me, but I´m not an expert at it. The presentation reminded me once again that there is no need to be an expert.…

  • NetworkChallenge

    Durff challenges us. “ Durff’s Blog: Network Challenge via kwout “ I’ve been doing exactly that for the past weeks. In fact, I’ve been discussing exactly that with a group of educators at http://webtools.ning.com/forum/topics/reading4reflection-stuck-in It’s just great that Durff asked, for I’ve been thinking ahead and looking for ways to simplify things, but in order…