Tag: teacherchallenge

  • 4 simple steps to join the mRevolution

    For long, we’ve been talking in our circles of students as producers, not simply audience, and students finding their own voice. Educators know how important it is to move from our classrooms industrial production-like type of education. We’ve realized that there’s much more potential in networking, in giving back to students the control of their…

  • Professional Development – Do-It-Yourself Approach

    Ann Foreman has shared her wonderful presentation about professional development. What she says is exactly what I’ve been advocating for some years now. Educators need to be in charge of their own learning. They need to understand that PD is not institutionally-bound. We need to get hold of our own professional development perspective and analyze…

  • Summer Makeover

    In Brazil, before it is summer time, people start preparing for it. Gyms get packed. We try the latest diet, we go on a bikini project. Well, it is summer in the southern hemisphere and my makeover has just started! Time to take a closer look at what has been taken for granted for a…

  • Kids Teaching Bloggers

    Kids are an endless resource of learning. They teach us every single day with their body language, words, funny sentences that make sense. In the second activity of the Teacher Challenge, we were asked to analyze a blog post in terms of its effectiveness.If there’s one blogger I don’t miss, Darren Rowse from Problogger is…

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Blogging

    Though I’m late, it is never too late.As being back to consistency in my blog is a desirable and attainable goal for 2011, I’ll follow the Teacher Challenge and kickstart it with the ten things I’ve learned and wished all bloggers knew about blogging. 1. You never know how your posts will affect readers. Even…