Tag: workplace

  • On the mLearning Productivity Radar – Slack for Teamwork

    On the mLearning Productivity Radar – Slack for Teamwork

    WhatsApp groups proliferate by the minute. We use it for family and friends groups, with travel buddies, and nowadays we’ve even turned it into an essential team communication tool to make conversations more dynamic and fluid. However, the tool, meant to be tailored especially for social purposes might not be the one you need to…

  • Very Talented Co-Workers

    Day 273 – Very Talented Co-Workers Originally uploaded by carlaarena Jazz it up Event. My friends at work, besides being great teachers, are amazingly talented. They sang for a full auditorium of EFL adult students, entertained them, engaged them and told them a bit about the history of jazz. Amazing guys!I am proud to work…