Storytelling is ancient, yet totally contemporary. Our lives make sense because of our own stories and the weaving of our stories with the ones who are part of them.
It is undeniable the power of storytelling, which can be taken to another level with digital tools. Not only are we able to tell and re-tell our stories, but we can also archive, remix, multiply them in different multimedia layers.
Educators are, by nature, wonderful storytellers, and we need to keep exploring stories in the classroom to build our own stories with our learners. Going further. We need to help our learners find their own voice through storytelling. We need to help them have this feeling of belonging, of being part of a community, of being an important part of it. With digital storytelling, there are simply limitless ways of doing that. How have you been exploring it in your classroom?
Digital Storytelling Presentation at 2011 WLA
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