A Remix of the Web2.0

Serendipity is always the best resource.

I was looking for some resources to the online course I’m teaching right now, Web Tools for Educators, when I came across this MOOC – Teach the Web. Just as I was browsing through their resources (Mozilla guys know how to make it simple, exciting and connected),  I came across Popcorn Maker. a remix video tool that I had heard about, but just very recently it has been released.

Glued, hooked immediately. That’s how I felt when I started playing around with the tool. Very intuitive, user-friendly and with tons of possibilities for collaboration through remix.

So, here’s my call: I want to show my students the power of the Web, and I need your help.
Could you access the video and remix it, adding your view of what the Web is all about?
I can’t wait to see what the results will be and what this remix tool will lead us…
Just click on the link and start playing around.

Feel free to take risks, to change, to edit, to add your voice to this collaborative experiment. Invite others to join the remix movement.


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