Pathways4Collaboration by Dafne Gonzalez

I’ve just listened to Dafne’s slidecast with an overview of her past decade online collaborative experiences. It’s just amazing to see how much she has done for her students and for the online communities she’s part of. Her talk to the CALL-IS audience in the TESOL convention in Denver proves the reason I’ve been Dafne’s fan and mentee for so long.

Listen to Dafne and get inspired!

Pathways4interaction Collaboration Daf

View more presentations from Daf.


3 responses to “Pathways4Collaboration by Dafne Gonzalez”

  1. It’s truly inspiring and she has really done a great job if she’s to get the credit for what you have become. You’ve been “my” Dafne and hopefully I shall make a difference in someone else’s life in the years to come. As they say this is sharing and sharing is caring.

  2. I´m sure you´re already making a difference in many of your colleagues, Gilmar!

    I was meaning to ask you. Are you going to come to our seminar in July? Are you going to present something? You should!

  3. Hi Carla…

    I am really enthusiastic about attending the seminar – I’ve already talked to the coordinator and the bosses. As for presenting something…Good Mother of Jesus -who am I???? I must confess it’s tempting and there is one aspect of this process I might consider sharing my/our experience here but I need to process everything and I’ll keep in touch.

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