Tag: ipad
On the mLearning Radar – Creating on iPads
I´ve just come across this box of mlearning treasures that an art teacher/teacher trainer has put together. Though the focus is on digital art, many ideas can be adapted for the language classroom. http://drydenart.weebly.com/creating-on-ipads.html Mrs. Fuglestad has also created a Smore page with ideas for ipad creation. What I think could be the…
Introductions Practice in the EFL Classroom with Authentic Content
Besides using Haiku Deck app to create visually-appealing presentations, what if you used it with students to help them use language with content produced by real people. So, it is the old “this is..; she does this and that” with a twist in authenticity. Take, for example, this presentation: Created with Haiku Deck, the free…
mLearning – Turn your Ipad into an Interactive Board
Educreations, Showme, Screenchomp are simple and multifaceted for the language classroom. These free screencasting apps have multiple possibilities, ranging from recording students’ dialogues or letting them freely talk about a subject as they show on the screen what they are exploring. There’s drawing, typing a text or inserting an image while recording. The students can…
Giving an iTwist to Feedback on Student Writing
Centuries ago (or at least, this is how I feel!), I used to give feedback on students’ writing by sending a recorded message to my students to personalize learning and encourage them to take process writing seriously. It worked. Students loved to get a personal, customized note from their teacher. Nowadays, this writing feedback experience…
m-Learning – Screencasting App
I downloaded showmeapp to my iPad. You can write on the whiteboard and record a screencast, or you can use an image to record your impressions, stories, tutorials using it. Here’s my example for basic students: http://www.showmeapp.com/sh/?i=5220 I uploaded it from my iPad straight to the site. From there, you can embed the video or…