Unmissable Professional Development Opportunities

January 14th. A date to remember for two very good reasons. It is the launching of #etmooc , with an amazing line-up of organizers, the wonderful team of “conspirators ” <http://etmooc.org/sample-page/course-conspirators/. My expectations are high and besides the discussions on the Ed Tech field and the connections, I’m always interested in how these online experiences are organized, mainly to enhance conversations, discussions, distributed in online spaces. I’m always in the look for best practices of how conversations develop and our non-linear co-construction of knowledge unfolds with the help of platforms and well-thought strategies for connecting the pieces. And these guys certainly know the drill. 

In the first weeks, etmooc will overlap with the Electronic Village Online, also a free online professional development opportunity for educators all over the globe, with sessions ranging from digital storytelling for young learners to neuroscience in education – http://evosessions.pbworks.com . This last session is one I’m moderating with a wonderful team of educators.

All too exciting for our beginning of the year! etmooc and EVO – Two amazing possibilities for educators who understand that the only possible way to thrive in education is to keep connecting and learning.


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