Woices – Giving Choice and Voice

I´ve just found this fantastic web resource which has great potential in the classroom to let your students search for different voices around the globe and adding their own voices to the “ecosphere”.

In Woices, learners can practice their listening skills and in a very simple way record their own voices to talk about a place they like, the city they live in, or a tourist place they´ve visited. They can not only learn about cultures, but also add their own cultural views in a very user-friendly platform.

Listen to the idea behing the ecosphere in Woices and why not giving it a try with your learners? I´m sure they would really enjoy it!


2 responses to “Woices – Giving Choice and Voice”

  1. That’s a very nice site. I will try to use with my students and I will let you know how it goes. See you!!! Emiliana.

  2. Please, do it, Emiliana! I’m sure they will enjoy it.

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