Though I’m late, it is never too late.
As being back to consistency in my blog is a desirable and attainable goal for 2011, I’ll follow the Teacher Challenge and kickstart it with the ten things I’ve learned and wished all bloggers knew about blogging.
1. You never know how your posts will affect readers. Even when they don’t comment, you can be assured that there are people out there who care about what you are writing and saying.
2. At first, blogging can feel like a lonely endeavor, but it is not. It is a networking weaver, a reflective step towards your personal and professional life. Through blogging, you connect to yourself and to others.
3. Blogging raises awareness. It empowers. It asks for movement.
4. Through blogging you’ll look into yourself and find out what your passions and drives are. Never miss the chance to do it.
5. The three main things I love to blog about is education, gastronomy and culture/people. All that using lots of images, my own images. Does that give a clue of what my passions are?
6. Blogging is not the act of writing. It is all about reading, thinking, connecting, commenting, joining in. Blogging cannot be summarized into your own blogging, but a whole networking ecology that comes with it. In fact, writing is just part of this ecosystem.
7. Blogging is addictive and transformative. That’s why I have a personal mission of helping others blog as much as I can. Blogging can change the world, our world. Believe me, I’ve seen it.
8. There is no formula in blogging if you are passionate about it. No constraints. No right or wrong.
9. Blogging is an open-ended endeavor waiting for new possibilities, opportunities and twists.
10. I still have a lot to learn about blogging…
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