Author: Carla Arena
Guinness Superlatives
Though a common way to teach Superlatives, I felt like sharing this Power Point I prepared for my class to practice the superlatives in a fun and lively way. Feel free to use it. Superlatives View more presentations from Carla Arena. After introducing the topic, I’ll have this quick superlative quiz with students. First, they…
Explosive Present Perfect Collaboration in POPPLET
Present perfect or Past Perfect are not phrases that reflect the thrilling lesson planning moment I had in collaboration with Tweet mates and my Facebook network. Collaboration is part of my perfect world of learning mixed with a bit of chaos and fun in which everyone involved has a lot to contribute to the whole,…
The Art of Critical Thinking with Store Receipts
Today, after being back from the TESOL Conference in Philly, I was organizing things, throwing out papers. Though I’ve been trying to be less and less attached to my old teacher voice that reminds me of keeping all the papers, recipes, booklets, brochures when I travel abroad, I simply can’t resist it! When I get…
Making Waves and Culture Gone Digital
It is pure redundancy to say it, but the best part of joining a Conference like TESOL is really weaving and threading what you want to learn, your curious mind to the connections and networking that take place. This TESOL was no different. Besides meeting my dear old Webheads community, I had the chance to…
Your Mobile Site in a Few Clicks
As I was preparing one of my presentations to TESOL 2012 in Philadelphia, I dispersed a bit after much time of focused work to enjoy myself into serendipity, which took me to a very nice, simple site to create your mobile site. In a few clicks, you can have your mobile site at Here’s the…
Ed Tech News Aggregator
There are many ways to keep yourself updated to impact your classroom using technology.However, I’ve just come across this Ed Tech News aggregator worth checking, Spigot , produced by the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub . There are many interesting articles and research information to keep you on the loop of ed tech and to inspire you…
The M in mLearning is for Motion
Life has been so hectic and intense that I’ve had insomnia for the past month since I got back from vacation. It might seem that this is not a good sign, for we need to rest our tired minds after a long day of planning, training, discussing, changing…However, I feel that this period has been…
4 simple steps to join the mRevolution
For long, we’ve been talking in our circles of students as producers, not simply audience, and students finding their own voice. Educators know how important it is to move from our classrooms industrial production-like type of education. We’ve realized that there’s much more potential in networking, in giving back to students the control of their…
Digital Skills for Teachers – Where Are You?
Nik Peachey’s post resonates to what I’ve been trying to do for the last decade in the school I work for, give support to teachers to help them enhance their digital skills’ development. Just by clicking on Much Irish not like THIS how. And antibiotics without prescriptions Wanna way quickly. Products refund go actually…
Storytelling – Five Card Story
This week, in our Digitools EVO session, we’re exploring writing. To be more specific, creative writing. Jane Petring carefully prepared wonderful tasks for that. She used many interesting writing platforms that we had collected. They are all fantastic ones, but I’d like to highlight one in special created by Alan Levine, the Five Card story.…
EVO – The Art of Curation and Discovery in Professional Development
Just came across George Siemens’s insights “A curatorial teacher acknowledges the autonomy of learners, yet understands the frustration of exploring unknown territories without a map. A curator is an expert learner. Instead of dispensing knowledge, he creates spaces in which knowledge can be created, explored, and connected. … A curator balances the freedom of individual…
Make it Small, Move Slowly, Make it Big
Still on what I had mentioned for New Year’s with my no-wish-list statement, I just came across a very enjoyable read that is inspiring and plain simple. Mitch Joel, in his post “The Deception os Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk” (no wonder I’m a huge fan of these guys!) mentions the power of…
No Wish List for 2012
How about starting the Year of 2012 with not so much weigh, to-do lists and wish lists?How about taking a look back and just writing down all the accomplishments of 2011 to come to the conclusion that, YES, we´ve done much, accomplished tons, and still have a lot to do. No wish list, but light-living,…
Books, Summer, Books
For many, this is a winter list. Well, for us down South it is summer time, a perfect period of the year just to goof off with a great book or e-book in hand just for the sake of our own delight or of catching up whatever we couldn’t read throughout the year. I, personally,…
mLearning – from Apes to Apps 2
The mLearning course at the Consultants-e is in full steam. One of the highlights of the week is Gavin‘s video of some exciting iPad apps. I do agree with Gavin that real apps, not the ones specifically created for education, are much more exciting and full of potential in the classroom. It seems that publishers…
mLearning – From Apes to Apps
Since the beginning of our existence, our main goal is connection, learning, survival, evolution. This is what we still pursue nowadays, meaningful connections, lifelong learning to become better human beings. Well, if it’s not everyone’s goals, at least these are mine, and I know a bunch of inspiring educators, like the Webheads, who pursue exactly…
From Post-Its to Movie Segments in the EFL Classroom
I remember Cláudio as a very tall, charming teacher when I was still a student at the Binational Center we work in Brasília. Now, I feel terribly lucky to have Cláudio as a co-worker, always inspiring us with his fantastic activities with movie segments. He saves us time, helps us have ready-to-use activities promptly available…
From Tecnophobe to TechnoArtist – An Educator Journey
I’ve known Cleide, Cleidita, Cleidoca since I started working at Casa Thomas Jefferson in 1999. What really stroke me about that lovely teacher with a constant smile on her face was her natural artistic talent. At that time, to find educational resources with the exact pedagogical objective we had in mind was a herculean task, but…
Learning English with Comic Strips
I’ve always told my students that comics are a great way to learn about language structures and it’s current use, for they: are visually appealing provide the student with comprehensible input are fun and engaging deal with language used in our daily lives give the students a sense of accomplishment as the are able to…
Culture Gone Digital
To champion the selfless acts of others. This is the motto of a great site to explore the wonders of different cultures around the globe. is a “multimedia organization that documents leaders around the world who have devoted their lives to extraordinary causes. Both educational and inspirational, explore creates a portal into the soul…