Author: Carla Arena
Música e Imagens para Projetos Escolares
Uma das competências que nossos alunos precisam desenvolver é a habilidade de selecionar e utilizar conteúdo na Internet com o devido crédito. Quando estamos restritos às paredes da sala de aula, temos a permissão para usar material que tenha direitos autorais, mas a partir do momento que colocamos nosso material na Web, questões éticas surgem…
Cultural Capsule: Amazing Interactive Website
I have an aunt, tia Mercês, who is incredible passionate and knowledgeable about everything art-design-related. She is all for building local communities of artisans to make their lives a decent one that goes much beyond survival. She wants to empower people through their skills, traditions and passions. Yesterday, she sent me some some stunning…
On Rhizomes, Theories, Conversations: The Living Classroom
I’ve been following at a distance but with close interest the movement around rhizomatic learning and more recently what Dave Cormier and the gang have been up to in the MOOC #rhizome14 . I just wish my day had so many hours… No matter the fact that I haven’t been able to join the group,…
Teaching in a Brave New World: From Digital to Tangible
Soon, we will have another BrazTESOL Brasilia seminar for the local educational community. The main topic of our seminar is “Teaching in a Brave New World”, which entices me to connect it to what I’ve been talking about in my presentations, the need for us, teachers, to explore new digital possibilities in the classroom without…
Cultural Capsule: Teens, Social Media and Rolezinhos in Brazil
Rolezinhos, a recent phenomenon in Brazil which looks like a flash mob with teens all over and is organized via social media, has caused a lot of discussions about social segregation, teen culture and the power of the digital to mobilize masses. With the DMLCentral post by Raquel Recuero “Rolezinhos: Flash Mobs, Social…
On the Ed Tech Radar: #TCEA14
I’ve always mentioned to educators how transformative and connective Twitter has been for me every since I joined it in 2007. Some think it is not for them, others say they don’t have time or patience. I never give up on showing the how powerful Twitter is even for basic things, like a quick…
A Inversão: Tecnologia x Pedagogia
No passado, e não digo muitos anos atrás, nós, professores, tínhamos o foco na pedagogia, metodologia, didática e os mais corajosos tentavam unir toda expertise da pedagogia com elementos tecnológicos para trazerem mais motivação e engajamento dos alunos. Tantos foram as inclusões em nossas aulas. Algumas ferramentas digitais duraram, outras nem tanto. Ainda me lembro,…
Immersive Teaching: Full Color, Full Contact Motto
This week, I had the pleasure to start blogging with a brilliant team of inspiring educators for Richmond ‘ s blog. As it is the beginning of the school year in the south hemisphere, I thought that talking about the first connections we make with students in class on the first days is a crucial…
Redisigning your New Year: 2014 in One Word
We always start a new year with the idea of something new, different, an optimistic perspective that we set to make our lives more meaningful, significant. It is a time to review and set new goals, or revisit the ones we insist to add to our to-do list for our own despair. When we put…
The Image Conference – Kieran Donaghy’s Short and Sweet
I had the pleasure to watch him in action twice this year. Kieran Donaghy, one of the Keynote Speakers in our BRAZTESOL Brasilia Image Conference, shared wonderful video ideas for the EFL classroom. Short and sweet were the videos he presented and inspired the Brazilian educators. Everybody left the room with a refreshed perspective…
The Image Conference – Transforming Sins into Virtues
We had a great Friday event – The Image Conference, organized by the BRAZTESOL Brasilia team, with the support of the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG and Kieran Donaghy, the one who started the Image Conference in Barcelona. After such an intense day and weekend, I haven´t had time to put my thoughts together in…
How Much we Reach and Inspire Educators
I could be here mentioning the educators who have been inspiring me for the past decade, but it wouldn’t be fair, as I might forget a name or an episode that transformed me…What I want to say is that since my first trip to a TESOL International Conference in San Antonio, Texas, in 2005, my…
On the Ed Tech Radar – Free Online Professional Development Opportunities in October
Stay at the comfort of your home or keep yourself comfortable in your office, but don´t miss two great professional development opportunities that you can access from wherever you are in the world for free. October 12th – TESOL CALL-IS & IATEFL LEARING TECHNOLOGIES SIG Online Conference It starts at 2pm GMT /…
Technology Giving Wide Wings to Creativity
As long as I keep seeing transformative and exciting examples of how technology can help the next generation of professionals acquire new skills in different areas, I’ll advocate its use. That’s exactly what happened with me some days ago. I was at the Apple Store with my kids, looking for the present my husband…
Curation Talk at Universidade Católica de Brasília
I had a great time with the languages students at Universidade Católica de Brasilia. Once again I had the pleasure to explore a topic that every educator, every learner should learn about in order to take the best of their networks and give it back, as well, curation. Digital Curation for Educators from Carla Arena…
On the mLearning Radar – Creating on iPads
I´ve just come across this box of mlearning treasures that an art teacher/teacher trainer has put together. Though the focus is on digital art, many ideas can be adapted for the language classroom. Mrs. Fuglestad has also created a Smore page with ideas for ipad creation. What I think could be the…
On the Ed Tech Radar – A Collection of Digital Posters Platforms for Educators
I have been part of an exciting teacher training program in the state of Rio and this week I´m exploring with teachers the possibilities of Digital Posters in the classroom. I´ve created this Padlet with some digital posters platforms that let teachers and students create wonderful digital artifacts. I thought educators might profit from it:…
Teaching a Dramatically Outstanding Class – Tension and Release
Yesterday I was talking to a very experienced teacher who I know suffers from the same syndrome I do and most of the teachers out there do. The how-can-I-reach-teens syndrome. We all develop strategies, sometimes war strategies, we think and re-think ways that we could better engage our teens. The roller coaster is always…
Making Homework Assignments Smarter for your Students and their Brains
One of my favorite bloggers, Annie Murphie Paul, has written a post about homework that every educator should consider as a guideline for better learning opportunities. Her claim, based on Neuroscience and Psychology research, entails making better use of strategies that are effectively proven to have an impact on learning. Annie mentions three strategies…
On the Ed Tech Radar – A Learnist Web2.0 Resource for Educators
I´ve already mentioned Learnist as an interesting learning playlist tool that can be used by educators and learners. This Learnist is one educators will love, with all kinds of digital resources in one single place.