Author: Carla Arena
Gaming e o Poder da Vitória Épica no Mundo Real
A pesquisadora Jane McGonigal explicita a sua racionalização do potencial do uso de jogos para a solução de problemas reais, baseada em sua pesquisa. Considera alguns elementos essenciais quando se “vence um jogo epicamente”. No vídeo, ela fala especificamente de sua análise do World of Warcraft: – O nível do jogo deve estar de acordo…
Educação Hibridizada – Conceitos, Exemplos e Recursos
Uma tendência irreversível de hibridização do ensino/aprendizado, utilizando o presencial e o online de forma flexível nos processos, no tempo, o modelo blended será o grande modelo do ensino/aprendizado nos próximos anos. Utiliza-se do presencial para a criação de comunidades e proximidade e também do online para as atividades em que o aluno produz melhor…
Hot Topics in Ed Tech
I had the pleasure to be in Goiânia for a talk sponsored by Richmond to talk to local teachers about the trends in Ed Tech. It was a very pleasant morning with a group of motivated and interested educators. Here’s the presentation: Ed Tech Hot Topics in ELT from Carla Arena As I pointed out…
From Submersion to Emergence in ELT
Conferences are made of connections, gatherings, new acquaintances. The BrazTESOL International Conference in João Pessoa was no different, except that it was totally different for me. The premises of the Bilingual School Cidade Viva were amazing, with great infrastructure for an international event. The people working there had a special vibe, very solicitous always, and…
Espaço para o Aprendizado: Uma Sala de Aula Redesenhada
Tenho a sorte e o prazer de estar rodeada de profissionais que discutem educação, repensam conceito, buscam novas formas, se reinventam. Hoje a Diretora da Binacional onde trabalho me mostrou esse vídeo de uma parceria do Google Educação e a Escola Paulistana Mater Dei. Percebo cada vez Just you’re. Works gelish. Sometimes Word shampoo…
QR Codes na Sala de Aula – Ao Infinito e Além
No outro post sobre QR Codes, focamos principalmente em como começar sua utilização em sala de aula. Na verdade, esses códigos, cheio de informações que nós podemos criar, nos dá a possibilidade de transformarmos, remixarmos e darmos vida aos livros didático, além de adicionar o elemento curiosidade em nossas aulas. O aluno curioso foca a…
When a Dear ELT Friend is Not Here Anymore
Some people have such a strong and memorable presence in our lives that it is almost like they are immortal, or maybe they really are. They imprint some of them in us. When they are gone, at least physically, it is almost as if our hearts immerse in silence, and our minds process in such…
Professional Development: YOU in Charge
As an educator and teacher trainer, I always suffer from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). I’m sure we all do in a way or the other, when we say how fast our kids grow, how short time is compared to all we have to do, how much we have to learn with so much on…
Tools to Enhance your Presentation Skills
The art of presenting is one that challenges us, educators. We are always finding ways to refine our skills, not only to make the classroom experience a more significant one, but also to share what we do and learn with others. One year ago exactly I wrote a post, Manifesto for Conference Presenters after attending…
Professor com uma Boa Pegada Digital
Professor, você já pesquisou no Google sobre você? O que achou? A pesquisa faz jus a quem você realmente é? Ou não achou muita coisa. À medida em que nos comunicamos cada vez mais no meio digital, nossas interações, preferências, cadastros em sites, fotos tornam-se um mosaico de quem somos no meio online. Deixamos rastros e…
TESOL 2014 – Snapshots
I could be here focusing on the interesting ideas that I learned from presenters in the TESOL Conference 2014, but having the snapshots, quick notes I took during some sessions, might give you the chance to come across interesting references, links and people that will inspire you. Some topics that caught my attention: Many Intersections…
TESOL 2014 – mLearning: From Mobile to Learning
TESOL 2014: From Mobile to Learning from Carla Arena My presentation in TESOL 2014 was part of a great multicultural colloquium about mlearning contexts around the world. Even in such different contexts, such as in the US, India and Japan, there’s still so much in common, mainly in terms of iPad rollout programs and infrastructure…
QR Codes na Sala de Aula
Apesar dos QR Codes estarem em todos os lugares, supermecados, lojas, cartazes, vitrines, muitos professores ainda não se tocaram que os quadradinhos cheios de códigos podem ser uma ferramenta interessante para a sala de aula. Mas o que são esses tais de QR Codes? QR é a abreviação de Quick Response. Na verdade, os QR codes…
On the mLearning Radar: 21Things for iPads
I’ve just come across this wonderful resource for any educator trying to meaningfully use iPads in the classroom or planning to do so. What I loved about the site is that though it is run by the REMC Association of Michigan, it is Creative Commons licensed and it can be used as a training program…
On the mLearning Radar: iPads in the Classroom
I’ve been following with interest some conference hashtags on Twitter. One that has caught my attention and directed to wonderful resources and conversations was #lfl2014 In one of the live blogging posts with her Storify embedded in it, Kate Wilson digs into a handful of insightful views and diverse opportunities to explore the possibilities of…
On the Ed Tech Radar: Super Cool Photo Editor
You may have come across online photo editors, but this one is super cool intuitive, very user-friendly, really. Give it a try . What I love about Pixlr besides all its fun features, photo edition and enhancements, it has an app for android and iOS devices. Whether is on your computer or in your…